St Hilda's Options

Physical-Education at St Hilda's

Physical Education

Physical Education allows learners to investigate a broad range of Movement Principles such as Biomechanics, Motor Learning and Exercise Physiology. There is also a large proportion of Interpersonal skills such as Leadership, Coaching and Sports Psychology. Learners throughout their years will experience a broad range of theoretical and practical components.

Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education allows learners to look at how outdoor skills such as Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Tramping and Kayaking, can be used to enjoy place responsive experiences and develop awareness of our local environment. This course is semester based and runs for half of the year, the second half of the year becomes 2 study lessons.

Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition allows learners to explore a variety of topics such as Food Sustainability, Nutritional Needs, Nutritional Issues and Food Advertising. Learners throughout their years will experience practical and theoretical components, learning skills to take with them when they leave school to ensure healthy choices around eating habits and decisions.