St Hilda's Options

Gateway at St Hilda's

This programme opens a new pathway from school to the world of work. It is an opportunity to blend school study with workplace learning and experience. Gateway helps build skills for employment, working in real workplaces on real tasks. It gives opportunities to try out potential careers and build links to Industry Training Organisations, Modern Apprenticeships and workplaces, helping learners move smoothly from school to work. Learning is assessed in the workplace, counting towards national qualifications.

Each Year a small number of Year 12 and / or Year 13 learners are accepted onto the Gateway programme, upon full consultation with the Year Level Dean, Deputy Principal, and the Gateway Co-ordinator. Individual learning plans are developed to support workplace placements. Learners are placed in a supportive workplace environment, relative to their area of interest, on a weekly basis for a minimum of ten weeks during term time. Placement timings are chosen in consultation with the workplace to maximise the learning experience and minimise impact on the school programme.


A maximum 20 credit Unit Standard course of independent learning is sourced from outside providers and completed during supervised Study classes, in support of the placement experience.

Prior knowledge required

Prior knowledge required for joining a Gateway course is the proven motivation and commitment to work successfully in an independent manner. Previous years have seen students undertake Gateway experiences in a wide range of industry pathways e.g.

Courses are conditional on the availability of unit standards from outside providers for independent study, relevant to a students vocational pathway area of interest, and the availability of a relevant industry placement.